Our Story


Welcome to Luminescence Healing’s “Our Story” page. Here, we invite you to embark on a captivating journey that intertwines friendship, passion, and the pursuit of holistic wellness. Discover the inspiring tale behind Luminescence Healing Inc, a vision born out of a deep desire to create a safe and nurturing space for individuals seeking holistic health experiences in the Calgary area.

Explore the intertwined threads of friendship, trust, and love that have led us to build a vibrant community where the healing power of EESystem’s scalar wave technology and other modalities converge. Embark on this remarkable adventure with us and discover how Luminescence Healing became the beacon of light it is today in the heart of Calgary’s wellness landscape.

Meet Cindy

I remember sitting behind Jacqueline during the first week of grade 11 and thinking, “I need to be friends with this beautiful soul.” The friendship blossomed as Jacquie and I shared many adventures including a one week trip to Mexico where we both fell in love on the last night of our “Bust Loose Vacation” and while my marriage didn’t pass the test of time, my friendship with Jacquie only became stronger (despite the fact that Jacquie had moved to British Columbia to be with Joe). It didn’t matter if we only got together once or twice a year because we could pick up the conversation right where we left off.

About five years ago, I started sharing with Jacquie, my vision for a wellness centre. I wanted to create a safe space for people to gather while experiencing the benefits of holistic health and while I didn’t know how I was going to make my dream happen, Jacquie never forgot what I described to her, so I was only mildly surprised when Jacquie reached out last Christmas with the best present a girl could ask for – an opportunity to operate an EESystem Centre in YYC with my husband, Geoff and Jacquie and Joe as our business partners.

I am beyond grateful for over three decades of friendship, trust and love and can’t wait to see how we build an amazing community of like-minded people who want to help themselves using EESystem’s scaler wave technology and the other modalities we intend to offer.

Meet Jacqueline

I clearly remember the first time I saw Cindy – I was 16 years old attending Bishop Grandin High School and this wonderful super popular girl with the most dazzling smile I’d ever seen came up and asked if I wanted to hang out with her. I couldn’t believe that Cindy wanted to be friends with me. I was quite shy back in my teen years. Fast forward 40 years and this beautiful friend and I have held each other’s hands through marriage, divorce, raising our children and the various ups and downs of life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend and partner to begin a new business adventure with.

I had been following Jason Shurka and Unifyd TV for quite some time and I was on a holiday in Mexico when I watched the premier night of the video of Jason interviewing Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and the revolutionary EE System. I knew without a doubt that I was called to open EE System centres. I contacted Cindy not long after to tell her that I’d heard about this technology for healing and that I might have the answer to get Cindy’s dream of opening a wellness centre underway.

Fast forward to September 2023 and here we are opening up the first 24-unit system in Calgary AB Canada. My husband, Joe, and I are incredibly excited to be in business with Cindy Drummond and her wonderful husband Geoff Gorai. We want to offer a multi disciplinary centre for healing (anchored around the EE System technology) that will be the premier destination space for cutting edge natural healing modalities in Southern Alberta.

I am getting to live my dream of running a healing centre with my best and oldest friend in the city I grew up in and still love dearly.

Meet Meriah

The Universe is always conspiring for our highest good and indeed did not fail in the ordinary yet extraordinary events and people that has brought me to Luminescence Healing.

You know when something amazing happens in your life and you can trace it back to that one choice or decision you made – sometimes months or even years before – that brought you to that point? I’m a little quirky like that and love looking at the neat and vast connections in life.

I won’t go into all the details here, but I will say that I first met Cindy (through a series of events!) at her Women’s Only Weekend in 2022. It would make for a great story to say that we had an instant connection but – as she was super busy as host and organizer, we didn’t get to talk much! I attended her Cacao ceremony that weekend and loved this side of her that I was seeing. That was a special 45 minutes.

After the WOW event we reconnected, and Cindy came to my home to receive a treatment I was offering. I think that was when we truly connected.

When she invited me to potentially be a part of the Luminescence family, I was thrilled! This opportunity was coming to me at a very auspicious time as I was navigating some professional and personal changes.

I then met Jacquie and simply felt like I was coming home to something. I feel grateful and blessed to be a part of the first EESystem in Calgary with these beautiful souls.

Meet Monique

From a very young age, health and wellness has been my passion.  My pharmacy career was tremendously valuable in learning human physiology and the role of pharmaceutical medications, however, I believe in promoting wellness through the use of natural holistic remedies, and I have become a lifelong learner of alternative healing methods.  

I have felt for a very long time that energy medicine will become the medicine of the future. Two years ago, I came across a video about the Energy Enhancement System and I have been learning from the research and literature ever since. When we are in tune with our energy flow, we can make better choices that lead to a long, healthy, and happy life. 

I am beyond inspired by the potential of the EESystem technology to support everyone from all walks of life, and I am eternally grateful for my dear friend, Cindy, for having an amazing vision, for Cindy and Jacquie for bringing the EESystem to Calgary, and for allowing me to be part of the vision. I am excited to help our clients get their energy flowing in the right direction and to hear their healing testimonials!!